Develop a Course or Seminar
How Appraisal Institute Programs are Developed
We pride ourselves on engaging practicing appraisers to develop peer-reviewed education. This ensures we get right to the heart of the training and professional development needs of real estate appraisers.
Here’s how the development process works:
- Proposals are reviewed by subject matter experts and the Education Committee.
- The development team, which includes a developer and reviewers who have extensive knowledge and expertise in the topic, is selected.
- At least two drafts are written by the developer; each one is thoroughly reviewed by the reviewers on the team. The drafts include learning objectives, outline of all content, problems and case studies, quizzes, notes for the instructor, PowerPoint slides, and sometimes exams. For online programs, online learning activities are also developed.
- Once the content is completed, development moves into production. An AI editor checks for consistency and organization and materials are professionally designed.
- The edited and formatted drafts are reviewed by the development team for final comment.
- Adjustments and updates are made as needed after programs are released.
Interested in submitting a proposal for a classroom or online program, or becoming a quiz question writer? Keep reading for details.
Qualifications and Responsibilities
To develop a classroom program, you'll need to:
- Have specific content knowledge and experience with the topic you are developing.
- Understand or be willing to learn how to incorporate interactive activities.
- Have writing and teaching experience.
If your proposal is accepted, you’ll need to:
- Develop all components of a course or seminar, including instructor and student handbooks, PowerPoint presentation, Excel documents (when relevant), and exam (when relevant), according to specifications and AI guidelines.
- Write learning objectives, discussion questions, practice problems, and quiz questions.
- Write specific notes for instructors.
- Develop learning activities for online delivery (for online programs).
- Meet deadlines.
- Incorporate and respond to queries from reviewers and the editor.
Quiz question writers draft multiple-choice questions for online education programs. These questions help students practice the concepts they’re learning.
To become a quiz question writer, you must:
- Have specific content knowledge and practical experience with the topic you’ll be writing about.
- Have teaching experience.
- Submit for evaluation the sample multiple-choice quiz questions. Each question must include a correct answer, three wrong answers (distractors), and feedback (why wrong answers don’t work).